Sunday, February 24, 2013


Bear-(noun) a mammal 
Bare-(adjective) without covering or clothing; empty
My cooler was bare after a bear visited my camp.  

Great-(adjective) superior; wonderful
Grate- (noun) a metal frame for holding burning wood or coal (verb) to scrape into small bits
You have to grate fresh cheese to make great spaghetti sauce. 

Browse-(verb) to casually look through
Brows-(noun) the ridges and hair growing over the eyes
Are you aware that you arch your brows as you browse through a store?      

Compound Words

When two small words are joined together, the new word is called a compound word.  

A compound word is made from two smaller words.
pan + cake = pancake
rain + bow = rainbow
Directions: Put the two smaller words together to make a compound
1. sun + shine = ______________________
2. camp + fire = ______________________
3. back + pack = ______________________
4. base + ball = ______________________
5. sun + flower = ______________________
6. rattle + snake = ______________________